Vestibular Physiotherapy
Gain support with vestibular physiotherapy when vertigo and dizziness are causing the room to spin, lightheadedness, fogginess, and unsteadiness.
It can often be very unsettling, can cause nausea, reduces our balance and poses a significant increase in risk to having falls and sustaining other injuries. Often this occurs due to problems with vestibular system.
What is the Vestibular system?
Our ears consist of two main parts, and each has a primary function. The outer ear helps with our hearing, and the inner ear helps control our head movements. By providing feedback about our body and head position, the inner ear helps to regulate our balance and movements. The vestibular system is found in our inner ear.
The vestibular system is made up of five sensory organs. There are three semicircular canals and two otolith organs. These structures are responsible for detecting forward, backward, up, and down movements, such as turning your head, being in a car that stops suddenly, or jumping up and down. Strong nerve connections between your ear, eyes, and neck muscles help to provide your brain with information, maintain balance, and coordinate movements.
Problems With The Vestibular System
The vestibular system clearly plays an important role, but unfortunately, issues may arise for some people. This can cause many symptoms that may be unsettling and interfere with daily life. Problems with the vestibular system can even result in an increased fall risk and injuries.
Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may differ from person to person. Some people may experience balance difficulties and dizziness that is merely annoying; others may lose the ability to carry out activities such as driving and working.
There are many reasons why the normal functions of the vestibular system may go awry. Common factors include:
- BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo).
- Infections or fluid build-ups.
- Neuromas in the ear.
- Vestibular neuronitis.
- Trauma, such as a hard knock to the head and car accidents.
- Concussion.
- Strokes.
- Vestibular migraines.
- Meniere’s disease.

Symptoms of Vestibular System Issues
People who live with problems with their vestibular system can experience a variety of symptoms. Different disorders may result in different effects.
Symptoms may include:
- Vertigo, which involves the incorrect perception of movement.
- Dizziness.
- Unsteadiness and balance impairment.
- Nausea.
- Fatigue.
- Brain fog.
- Headaches.
These symptoms may change and fluctuate for various reasons. Some people may experience no symptoms when they are sitting still and then may trigger them by moving their head or body, for example. Neck pain or tightness and anxiety may also increase symptoms for some people.
Because these symptoms can significantly impact daily life, they often lead to other issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, financial problems, and decreased confidence and independence.
Vestibular physiotherapy at our Castlemaine and Maryborough clinics may improve your vertigo and dizziness symptoms to help you get back to the things you love to do.
Are You Experiencing Vertigo and Dizziness?
If you are experiencing symptoms that point to possible disorders or issues regarding your vestibular system, you may be referred for diagnostic testing to assess your vestibular function. This is where the services of an experienced physiotherapist with specific training in vestibular rehabilitation may assist. To begin with, vestibular rehabilitation involves a thorough evaluation by one of our trained vestibular physiotherapists at our Castlemaine and Maryborough clinics. This consists of collecting a detailed history and analysing your symptoms.

Vestibular Physiotherapy for Vertigo and Dizziness
At Ace Allied Health, we use specialised video goggles to assist with our assessment and treatment. These video goggles are used to evaluate and record your eye movements, which gives us valuable information about the workings of your vestibular system. This helps us to diagnose your specific issue, to develop a personalised treatment plan, and to monitor the progress of your condition.
Vestibular rehabilitation and treatment can consist of several exercise-based techniques and exercises depending on your needs, requirements, and goals. Treatment may include steps such as:
- Canalith repositioning or the epley manoeuvre.
- Gaze stabilisation exercises.
- Static and dynamic balance exercises.
- Gait training with and without head movements.
- Strength and endurance exercises.
- Eye-head coordination exercises.
- Fitness training.
- Education.
We will regularly assess your progress and adjust your treatment plan as required. Sometimes, we may advise you to combine our care with treatment from other health professionals, such as audiologists, ENT specialists, and neurologists.
Vertigo and Dizziness Frequently Asked Questions
What is vertigo?
Vertigo involves symptoms such as the feeling of tilting, spinning, dropping, or movement when you are not physically experiencing those actions. The term may conjure images of standing at the top of a cliff, peering down over the edge and feeling your stomach lurch. It can cause anxiety and panic, and increase the risk of falls.
The word vertigo covers many types of dizziness that we can experience. It can differ from person to person and requires an experienced professional to provide an official diagnosis. The most common type of vertigo is called BPPV, which stands for benign positional paroxysmal vertigo. This is a type of dizziness that comes on suddenly when you change position. The reason this happens comes down to tiny calcium crystals inside your inner ear. These may dislodge and knock into areas they’re not supposed to. This makes the balance signals to your brain slow down, even though you’re moving at a normal speed, and leaves you feeling dizzy.
While BPPV is the most common culprit, your dizziness can come from a number of sources. It may involve areas such as your inner ear, eyes, brain, or neck. At Ace Allied Health, we have the knowledge, experience, tools, and technology to assess your symptoms and explore and manage the root cause.
Are there other ways to treat vestibular symptoms other than vestibular physiotherapy?
There are steps you can take that may help you find relief from certain symptoms, such as rest; however, most people find that professional intervention and treatment is the most successful option.
Can I have a vestibular migraine without head pain?
One cause of vestibular symptoms is a vestibular migraine. These differ from what you may think of as a migraine. This type is generally not accompanied by a headache but rather symptoms of nausea, head pressure, ringing in the ears, unsteadiness, dizziness, movement, and light or sound sensitivity,
Why Choose Ace Allied Health for Vestibular Physiotherapy?
At Ace Allied Health, your well-being is our priority. No matter your age, health status, or lifestyle, we want to help you feel your best! We strive to diagnose, treat, educate, and empower so that you can find a better quality of life. Take the first step towards a healthier and happier life by booking an appointment at our Castlemaine and Maryborough clinics.
Multi-Disciplinary Team
We have a multi-disciplinary team, which means we can provide convenient and comprehensive treatment that suits your individual needs and goals.
Specific Knowledge And Skills
When it comes to vestibular issues, we have the experience and resources to provide thorough care to work towards improving your symptoms.
Personalised Care
Vestibular issues can vary greatly, so we do not provide a generalised form of treatment. Instead, we identify your specific requirements and goals and customise your treatment plan to incorporate your symptoms, condition, and needs.
Vestibular Physiotherapy for Vertigo And Dizziness
If a problem arises with the vestibular system, it can have a significant impact on your life. The good news is that relief can often be found for many people.
Because symptoms and causes may differ for each person, it can be advantageous to seek professional support rather than trying to put up with it. Contact our friendly teams at our Castlemaine and Maryborough clinics to find out how vestibular physiotherapy may help you and to organise an initial consultation.

Empowering Health and Performance
At Ace Allied Health, your well-being is our priority. No matter your age, stage of life, or lifestyle, we want to help you feel your best! Whether that’s with physiotherapy, exercise physiology, dietetics, or something else, we’re the team in your corner cheering you on to help you reach your goals. Take the first step towards a healthier and happier life by booking an appointment today.